As we all know Mad Men is a paragon of marital communication and love. Not! (That's pure hatred radiating out of 'ol Betty's baby blue's eyes up there. Curse you Don Draper and your rampant promiscuity!)
All jokes and bouffants aside, experts have recently discovered a growing number of partners (25% to be exact) choose to sleep alone, according to the National Sleep Foundation. And no it ain't just in America. Studies in Japan and England have discovered a similar trend.
So what gives?
Couples these days are realizing they don’t have to put up with ear-shattering snoring or human heat radiators as their slumber-mates. Psychiatrist and sleep expert Dr. Tracey Marks explains that while a Lucy and Ricky Ricardo situation may seem antithetical to romance or intimacy, if there are actual sleep issues occuring, establishing separate snooze zones could save the marriage.
In a less scientifically researched theory, it's also been suggested that certain women break out in embarrassing teenager-y pimples from nestling their heads on their lover’s bare skin – which can lead to getting carded during office happy hour. (Or being handed an anoymous tube of Oxyclean.)Totes uncool.
On the other hand, scientists also believe that cuddling, spooning and tender touches release oxytocin – the “trust hormone”) – which helps the body relax, heal, and lower its blood pressure. Not too shabby!
Having a person that you are the protector for or who protects you nearby increases the release of neurotransmitters involved with good sleep." – Neurologist Dr. Rachel Salas, assistant medical director at the Johns Hopkins Center for Sleep
There's even people who credit the success of her marriage to something even more extreme: six months spent living apart. So, what’s the right way? Who the hell knows. But if your sleep stinks, think about finding a way to get your shut-eye in your own space (making sure to get a big dose of daily cuddling too!)
All in all, the ideas of how relationship is “supposed” to be are – and should be – challenged on the daily. All in favor of returning back to the ‘50s say ‘aye!’ Crickets …
Image: http://hookedonhouses.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Don-and-Betty-Drape...